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Dear recreational parents & care-givers,

In an effort to make the best use of your child’s scheduled class time, the Lakettes coaching staff requests that you follow the procedures below:


1. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early – before your child’s scheduled class. Also arrive 5 minutes early to pick up your child, especially younger students who find it upsetting when they can’t find Mom or Dad.


2. Help prepare your child by having him / her dressed appropriately, socks & shoes off, hair tied back (if long) & bottle of water in hand. We do not provide hair ties, drinks, leo’s, shorts, etc.


3. Please know the name of your child’s class and its instructor/s. (For efficiency, some classes are “team taught” due to their level and / or size.


4. Please help your child listen for his/her name at roll call time.


5. If you arrive late for class: For the safety of students already in full participation, children who are late for class MUST be escorted to class by an instructor or office attendant. Also, no adult is to be in the gym area unescorted. If your child’s class is in the mini gym, knock on the door by the main entrance to the hall.


6. If you know your child will be absent, please leave a message before class, so we are not waiting for him / her.  Ph. # 814-864-9363


7. Please remember, some classes will warm up in our small gym. Do not think your child’s class has started late if he/she is not visible. Observation of students in the back gym is from the window at the top of the bleachers in the main gym.


8. Please remember our classes are either 55 min. or 1 hr. 15 min. We are not ending early. We have only 5 min. between classes to refresh and set up for the next class.


9. For your child’s safety, we will dismiss your child to the bleacher area only. Please meet them there. Do not ask your child to meet you downstairs in the hallway or out in the parking lot. These requests have been made so our coaching staff is able to best utilize the allotted time to instruct all our students. Questions and concerns should be directed via phone message (814-864-9363). Thank you for your co-operation.


Daytime Hours vary
Mon. - Fri. 4 - 9 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Hours vary      




8296 Peach Street
Erie, PA 16509

Tel: 814-864-9363


2nd location

6813 West Ridge Rd

Fairview, Pa 16415

© Lakettes all rights reserved.

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